UFPR – 2005 Litoral

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As questões 1 a 3 referem-se ao texto a seguir.

All living things must adapt to their environment. Some organisms are able to look for suitable environments. Some organisms have to change in order to suit their environment.

Some organisms are able to utilize food in their immediate surrounding. Other organisms have to move in order to find food.

A plant cannot move but it can obtain food from its immediate surroundings. Its leaves and roots enable it to obtain food from the atmosphere and the soil.

Birds travel long distances to obtain food. Their beaks are adapted to catching insects, fish or other food.

A fish’s respiratory organs are adapted to life in the water. It takes in dissolved oxygen from the water. Its organs are not suitable for absorbing oxygen from the air. The lungs of a man are adapted to breathing air. They do not function in water.

(Reading and Thinking in English. Concepts in Use. p 51)

1.Which of the following is the appropriate title for the text?

a) Life in Water
b) Organisms and their Adaptation
c) The Respiratory System
d) Birds and Water
e) How fish obtain food

2.In the sentence “Its leaves and roots enable it to obtain food from the atmosphere and the soil”, the underlined word “it” refers to:

a) the atmosphere
b) the soil
c) the food
d) a plant
e) an organism

3.In the sentence: “They do not function in water”, the underlined word “They” refers to:

a) The lungs of a man
b) Some organisms
c) A fish’s respiratory organs
d) Leaves and roots
e) Suitable environments

As questões 4 a 8 referem-se ao texto a seguir.

The brain has three main divisions, each having its own particular functions. The cerbrum is the largest and best developed section of the brain. It is made up of many areas containing cells which control various parts of the body. Some areas perform the function of directing muscular activity. They allow the head to be turned, for example. Other areas are responsible for sighthearing and speech. The cerebrum is also the center of intelligence and enables human beings to reason and remember.

The cerebellum is a small section of the brain below the cerebrum. Its function is to co-ordinate the movements of limbs and also to control body balance. The medulla oblongata is an enlarged area which connects the brain to the spinal cord. It serves to regulate the activities of the internal organs. It controls the beating of the heart and regulates all involuntary muscles. The parts of the brain are highly specialized. Together they make up the complex organ that controls the nervous system.

(Reading and Thinking in English. Exploring Functions. p 43)

4.According to the text:

a) The cerebrum is the division of the brain that is responsible for a person’s memories.
b) The cerebellum is bigger than the cerebrum.
c) The areas responsible for sight, hearing and speech are not in the brain.
d) The medulla oblongata is the only area that controls the nervous system.
e) The spinal cord controls the activities of the internal organs.

5.Which of the following is the appropriate title for the text?

a) The Main Functions of the Human Body
b) The Cerebrum
c) The Nervous System
d) The Main Functions of the Cerebrum
e) The Human Brain

6.In the sentence “It controls the beating of the heart and regulates all involuntary muscles”, the underlined word “it” refers to:

a) The internal organs
b) The brain
c) The medulla oblongata
d) The heart
e) The spinal cord

7.In the sentence “Together they make up the complex organ that controls the nervous system” , the underlined phrase “the complex organ” is:

a) the cerebrum
b) the cerebellum
c) the medulla oblongata
d) the heart
e) the brain

8.Consider the following sentences:

I. The cerebrum directs the muscles.
II. Reasoning is a function of the cerebellum.
III. The medulla oblongata is responsible for the regulation of the organs.
IV. The three main divisions of the brain are the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata.
V. The spinal cord is one of the main sections of the brain.

According to the text:

a) Only I, II and III are correct.
b) Only III, IV and V are correct.
c) Only II, IV and V are correct.
d) Only I, III and IV are correct.
e) Only I, II and V are correct.

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