UFPR – 2003

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Logo após o encerramento da Copa do Mundo de futebol, internautas de várias partes do mundo apresentaram seus comentários em um forum no site da BBC.

Well done, Germany! They did so well. It was unlucky to be defeated in the final. Although Kahn is not on the winning side, he is my best player in the tournament.
And I have to mention that all the Germans did give me big surprises when nobody, including myself, believed they could reach the final one month ago.
Anyway, the Germans have showed they are the best European team in 2002. I look forward to the World Cup 2006 and I believe that they will be stronger and stronger.
Victor, Australia

Oliver Kahn did quite well; the first goal was not all his fault. Hamman dwelled on the ball too long and paid for it. Kahn kept Germany in the game many times. If it was not for him, Germany would have lost by many more.
Timmy Deavin, England

Damn Oliver Kahn! I thought he was a descent golie but he disappointed me in both goals he conceded and I’ve lost faith in him. But as a team I’m proud of how Germany played.
Tibor, Australia

The 2-0 result today does not show how well Germany played today. Oliver Kahn should not be blamed for the first goal; the ball had been well driven by Rivaldo. It was a difficult ball for even a great keeper like Kahn to stop without a rebound.
Mike, USA

It was Germany’s best performance of the World Cup – but this time the luck ran out. No one can deny that the best team won the tournament. Les, Germany Olli Kahn deserves the title of best player on the World Cup. Although he made a mistake he was the man that brought Germany thus far in the tournament, much as Ronaldo did with his men.
Matthias, Germany

(Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2002.)

1.Quanto às opiniões sobre a atuação do goleiro Oliver Kahn, é correto afirmar:

01.Para Victor, da Austrália, Kahn foi o melhor jogador da Copa.
02.O internauta identificado como Tibor, da Austrália, afirma que Kahn jogou muito bem.
04.Para Matthias, da Alemanha, Kahn foi o grande responsável por seu país ter chegado até onde chegou.
08.Para Matthias, da Alemanha, a atuação de Kahn foi perfeita.
16.Todos os participantes do fórum elogiam a participação do goleiro alemão, mesmo os que admitem que ele possa ter falhado no primeiro gol da final.

02.In relation to the comments selected above, it is correct to say:

01.Les, from Germany, believes Brazil deserved to win.
02.Mike, from the US, is of the opinion that Germany played well..
04.Timmy Deavin, from England, believes that if it was not for Kahn, Brazil could have won by a greater margin.
08.Victor, from Australia, was disappointed at the German team.
16.Matthias, from Germany, thought Ronaldo’s performance was disappointing.

TV addiction

The amount of time people spend watching television is asthonishing. On average, individuals in the industrialized world devote three hours a day to the pursuit – fully half of their leisure time, and more than on any single activity save work and sleep. At this rate, someone who lives to 75 would spend nine years in front of the tube. To some commentators, this devotion means simply that people enjoy TV and make a conscious decision to watch it. But if that is the whole story, why do so many people experience misgivings about how much they view?

(Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 ago. 2002.)

3.Com relação aos hábitos de assistir televisão no mundo industrializado, segundo o texto, é correto afirmar:

01.Um número significativo de pessoas gasta mais tempo assistindo televisão do que dormindo.
02.As pessoas assistem televisão, em média, três horas por dia.
04.Metade das horas de lazer é gasta em frente da televisão.
08.Quarenta por cento dos adultos assistem televisão por uma decisão consciente e não se recriminam por esse fato.
16.Calcula-se que, se uma pessoa viver até os 75 anos, terá passado nove anos assistindo televisão.

4.In the text the author indicates that

01.Commentators are right when they say that people simply make a conscious decision to watch as much TV as they do.
02.The quality of TV programs in different countries determines the amount of time people devote to TV watching.
04.At least part of the time devoted to TV watching may not result from a conscious decision on the part of the viewers.
08.Many people feel they probably spend too much time watching TV.
16.Some commentators believe people watch so much TV simply because they enjoy it.

Suspected Thief Drowns

Sun Aug 18, 7:35 AM ET

TULSA, Oklahoma (Reuters) – A suspected thiefweighed down with more than 50 pounds of stolen cameras and CDs, among other items, drowned as he attempted to evade police by swimming across the Arkansas River, officials said.

The man, identified as Edward McBride, 37, was carrying a bag weighing 50 pounds that contained stolen items and was found Friday with stolen goods also stuffed in his pockets, said Tulsa police spokeman Lucky Lamons.

He was being pursued by Tulsa police who suspected him of robbing a Tulsa home when he jumped into the muddy Arkansas River.

“He got about 40 yards out and gritou for help,” Lamons said. “The officers took off their shirts, shoes and belts and jumped into the river. By the time they reached him, he had gone under.”

Lamons said rescue workers retrieved McBride’s body about an hour later from about 8 feet to 10 feet of water along with the bag containing stolen goods.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 ago. 2002.

5.De acordo com o texto acima, é correto afirmar:

01.Ao fugir da polícia, McBride caiu involuntariamente no rio.
02.McBride tinha 37 anos e era suspeito de ter assaltado uma casa.
04.O peso dos objetos roubados que carregava consigo contribuiu para o afogamento de McBride.
08.McBride se especializava no roubo de jóias e quadros.
16.McBride foi retirado do rio ainda com vida, mas morreu logo em seguida.
32.Os fatos narrados ocorreram no mês de agosto, em Tulsa, no estado americano de Oklahoma.

6.The text contains information on

01.how McBride died.
02.why McBride died.
04.who rescued McBride, preventing him from dying.
08.when McBride’s body was found.
16.how much McBride weighed when he died.

7.According to the text, the police

01.tried to help McBride before he drowned.
02.was able to reach McBride in time to arrest him.
04.shot and killed McBride.
08.pursued McBride.
16.found some evidence that McBride was a thief.

Flood-stricken Czechs plan mass-vaccination

The Czech government will vaccinate about 65,000 children against hepatitis A, following the worst flooding in the country in 200 years.
Flood waters are now starting to subside in the capital, Prague, but the mayor is urging the city’s 50,000 evacuees to stay away until power and sewage services are fully restored. About another 150,000 people in the country have also been forced from their homes.
Hepatitis A can spread if sewage systems are damaged and infected feces enter drinking water. Mass hepatitis A vaccination is thought to have prevented an outbreak after heavy floods in central Europe in 2001.
The Czech Republic’s health minister has also asked the government to provide 3.5 million euros for other public health measures, including the testing of drinking water and the distribution of water disinfectants. Other potential killers in disaster-stricken regions include dysentery and cholera.

Millions homeless

But while the flood danger in Prague is decreasing, waters are surging through south-eastern Germany, threatening catastrophe. In Dresden, waters are rising at around 20 centimetres per hour.
There is also a state of emergency in Bratislava, capital of the Slovak Republic, where the level of the Danube is at its highest for a century. Romania and Russia are badly affected. And in Austria, where seven people have died due to flooding, chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel told the BBC: “This is the worst natural disaster to have hit Austria in living memory.”
Fears that much of Prague’s 14th century architectural treasures could be devastated are easing with the falling level of the River Vltava.
But floods outside Europe have been much more severe. About 800 people died and millions were left homeless following summer floods in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. And hundreds more have been killed in China, where thousands of people are killed each year due to flooding.

(Disponível em: < http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99992682> Acesso em: 19 ago. 2002.)

8.É correto afirmar que, na época da publicação do artigo acima,

01.o governo checo planejava uma campanha de vacinação de grande escala.
02.os 50.000 desabrigados da cidade de Praga haviam voltado para suas casas, após a restauração dos serviços de eletricidade e de esgoto.
04.o governo checo havia liberado 3,5 milhões de euros para serem aplicados em medidas para garantir água potável de boa qualidade para a população.
08.as regiões afetadas pela enchente haviam sido acometidas por surtos de diarréia e de cólera, além de hepatite A.
16.além da vacinação, o ministro da saúde checo havia solicitado verbas para garantir água potável de boa qualidade para a população.

9.De acordo com o artigo, é correto afirmar:

01.As águas tinham começado a baixar em Praga, mas continuavam subindo em certas regiões da Alemanha.
02.Em Praga, tesouros arquitetônicos do século XIV foram devastados pelas águas.
04.Em Bratislava, há um século as águas do rio Danúbio não chegavam a níveis tão altos.
08.Na Áustria, muitas pessoas se lembram ainda do maior desastre natural que assolou o país há alguns anos, matando 7 pessoas.
16.Assim como na Europa, também no Oriente alguns países sofreram danos causados pelas enchentes, de gravidade ainda maior.
32.A Romênia foi pouco atingida pelas enchentes.

10.”Hepatitis A can spread if sewage systems are damaged and infected feces enter drinking water. Mass hepatitis A vaccination is thought to have prevented an outbreak after heavy floods in central Europe in 2001.” According to the sentences above:

01.Since the sewage systems were affected and drinking water was contaminated, hepatitis A started to spread.
02.If there is damage to the sewage systems, leading to the contamination of drinking water, there is a risk that hepatitis A will spread.
04.No mass hepatitis A vaccination could have prevented the outbreak that occurred in central Europe in 2001, after heavy floods.
08.It is believed that mass vaccination prevented the outbreak of hepatitis A after heavy floods in central Europe in 2001.
16.Despite mass vaccination, an outbreak of hepatitis A occurred in central Europe in 2001.

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