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AUSTIN – Hackers broke into a University of Texas database and stole the names, Social Security numbers and e-mail adressses of more than 55,000 students, former students and employees, officials said. It wasn’t clear whether the information was used to illegally obtain credit cards or withdraw money from bank accounts. School officials said they were notifying the victims.
Travis County prosecutor Ronnie Earle said search warrants related to the case were served late Wednesday in Austin and Houston. He declined further comment. Federal authorities did not immediately return calls.
The theft was discovered Sunday when employees found a computer malfunction, according to Daniel A. Updegrove, the university’s vice president for information technology, who described the incident on the school’s Web site.
The database washacked into from a computer in Austin several times beginning on Feb. 26 and ending Sunday. Updegrove said the hackers used a program to query the database with 3 million potential Social Security numbers, resulting in about 55,200 successful matches.
Updegrove acknowledged that the breach could have been prevented with basic precautions.
Washington Post, March 7, 2003 FATEC
According to the text
1.Segundo o texto, alguns hackers
a) obtiveram endereços de e-mail de estudantes e funcionários da Universidade do Texas.
b) inseriram nomes falsos no computador para obterem números de “Social Security”.
c) roubaram informações da Internet para obterem números de cartões de crédito.
d) conseguiram desviar dinheiro de algumas contas bancárias.
e) invadiram as dependências da Universidade do Texas para obterem acesso aos seus computadores.
2.Segundo o texto,
a) o incidente causado pelos hackersjá havia sido previsto por Daniel A. Updegrove no site da escola.
b) o promotor Travis County afirma que as investigações haviam sido feitas na última quarta-feira em Austin e Houston.
c) Ronnie Earle se prontificou a fornecer comentários mais detalhados sobre o caso às autoridades federais.
d) o incidente ocorrido na Universidade do Texas foi descoberto por alguns funcionários ao detectarem uma falha no computador.
e) além dos funcionários da Universidade do Texas, um total de 55.000 estudantes foi vítima do incidente causado pelos hackers.
3.Assinale a alternativa em que o trecho “It wasn’t clear whether the information was used to illegally obtain credit cards…”, no segundo parágrafo do texto, é reescrito de forma adequada e sem prejuízo de significado.
a) It wasn’t clear whereas the information was used to illegally obtain credit cards…
b) It wasn’t clear when the information was used to illegally obtain credit cards…
c) It wasn’t clear if the information was used to illegallyobtain credit cards…
d) It wasn’t clear why the information was used to illegallyobtain credit cards…
e) It wasn’t clear how the information was used to illegally obtain credit cards…